First let me say this is my all time favorite horror movie,
I'm sure of plenty of you
don't agree but I
don't care. This movie had a profound effect on me and very well may have changed my life forever. After this film I got really into punk and metal, developed a crush on Linnea
Quigley that sometimes bordered on Psychotic if not extreme and watched every zombie movie I could get my hands on. My mom actually let me go to the theatre and see this at the tender age of maybe 9 or 10 and by myself no less. To this day I will watch any piece of crap Linnea or Jewel Shepard even have a cam

eo in. Also the character "Suicide" was very important to me and later in life I found myself relating to him in the weirdest ways, I was the only one of my friends with a car and also the most
enveloped and
obsessed with punk. None of them really liked me they just needed a ride. In the movie he is kind of over the top
ridiculous, but somehow he really hit home to me. The scene where he says "you think this is just a costume, this is a way of life", nothing could say it better than that statement. Now that
I'm in my 30's and all my old friends are cranking out kids like Disney cranks out animation, I find my self feeling the same fucking way, they just needed a ride. Of course now that I live in Louisville, Ky, I do get a big kick out of seeing them blow it all to hell at the end. All that aside, on a basic level this movie is damn amazing even by
today's standards, the f/x are great, the music is killer and the dialogue is some of the best ever put to paper in my
opinion. Over the years this little horror flick has
amassed a more than huge cult following, I would say that it is starting to rival Rocky Horror, and justly I might say. I can repeat this
dialogue from start to finish, most of it without even playing the movie. Anyway
here's the killer soundtrack with all the great music from the movie and the best of the dialogue. There is a great bootleg version of the film out there that has most of the edited footage added, including the extended ending, classic! Hunt that shit down if you love this movie, it will make your fucking day. As of midnight tonight this is the
beginning of MONSTER MONTH for me and I am planing on putting up a horror related item everyday this month,
don't worry I will still post some metal and punk. But it is October after all.

Tonight we make love till we die!